Enhancing Your Learning Experience Unlocking the Path to Academic Success


Notre Dame School Hostel: A Home Away from HomeNestled within the serene confines of Notre Dame School is our well-equipped hostel, providing a nurturing environment for students seeking comfortable accommodation. Our commitment to the holistic development of students extends to their living arrangements, ensuring a home away from home experience.FacilitiesOur hostel boasts separate blocks for boys and girls, each meticulously managed to uphold privacy and security. Spacious rooms flooded with natural light create an inviting atmosphere, fostering a conducive space for study and relaxation. The design emphasizes comfort and ample personal space for each resident.Lodging and FoodingWe understand the importance of a wholesome stay, offering both lodging and fooding facilities. The hostel provides a tranquil haven for students to focus on their academics while enjoying the camaraderie of fellow residents. Our dedicated kitchen staff ensures nutritious and delicious meals, served in a communal dining room conveniently located in proximity to the kitchen.Communal SpacesTo foster a sense of community, common areas are strategically placed throughout the hostel. Recreation rooms, study lounges, and outdoor spaces encourage social interaction and a healthy balance between academic and leisure activities. These communal spaces contribute to the overall well-being of our students, creating lasting memories and friendships.Safety MeasuresThe safety and security of our residents are paramount. Our hostel is equipped with modern security systems, and dedicated staff members are available round-the-clock to address any concerns. We prioritize a secure and comfortable environment, allowing students to focus on their studies with peace of mind.In essence, Notre Dame School's hostel is more than just a place to stay; it's a vibrant community where students can thrive academically, build lasting friendships, and cherish the memories of their formative years.


Welcome to the Notre Dame School’s Library, a hub of knowledge and learning excellence. Our library is equipped with modern amenities, including a smart television with Wi-Fi facilities, providing students with versatile resources. The extensive collection of books spans various disciplines, catering to the diverse academic interests of our students. With a focus on supporting academic success, our library boasts a rich assortment of reference books, particularly beneficial for students in grades 11 and 12, especially those pursuing the Science stream. Explore the wealth of information and foster your love for learning in the vibrant environment of the Notre Dame School’s Library.


About Us

Legacy of Excellence The Evolution of Notre Dame School in Nepal

Notre Dame Secondary School, established in 1985, is a beacon of educational excellence in Nepal. Its roots can be traced back to the School Sisters of Notre Dame (SSND), a congregation of Roman Catholic Sisters who have been dedicated to providing quality education globally since 1833 A.D. The school began as a kindergarten under the guidance of SSND Sisters from Japan and rapidly evolved into a primary school. By 1996, the school had its first batch of students completing the 10th grade, marking the transition from high school to college education in Nepal. In 1997, the school initiated higher secondary education in science under the Higher Secondary Education Board of...



Experience cutting-edge education and vibrant community engagement. Our expert faculty and state-of-the-art facilities ensure a transformative learning journey. Don't miss your chance to thrive academically and personally at Notre Dame Secondary School. Secure your spot today!

Message From Principal

Notre Dame School, established in 1985, is a beacon of educational excellence in Nepal. Its roots can be traced back to the school sisters of Notre Dame, a congregation of Roman Catholic sisters who have been dedicated to providing quality education globally since 1833 AD. The school began as a kindergarten under the guidance of SSND Sisters from Japan and rapidly evolved into a primary school 1996, the school had its batch of students completing the 10th grade marking the transition from high school to college education in Nepal. In 1997, the school initiated higher secondary education in...

FR.Denis D' Souza


What Do Parents Says About School

Contrary to popular belief, Lorem Ipsum is not simply random text. It has roots in a piece of classical Latin literature from 45 BC, making it over 2000 years old. Richard McClintock, a Latin professor at Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia, looked up one of the more obscure Latin words, consectetur, from a Lorem Ipsum passage, and going through the cites of the word in classical literature, discovered the undoubtable source. Lorem Ipsum comes from sections 1.10.32 and 1.10.33 of

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